Anarchy in the UK (part 2 and it's a bit of a rant)
... and not go on until the wee small hours. Tricky last night because of the clocks changing, but I reckon I heard the last firework at about 1 in the morning.
Okay, it's not quite what you'd call anarchy, but it's pretty blatantly ignoring the law, and more to the point, even if they don't know the law has changed, just being damned anti-social. But even if they do know that what they are doing is illegal, they have no reason to be worried. What are the chances of them actually being prosecuted? Next to nothing.
Today's example of Chavdom ignoring the law of the land whilst simultaneously being entirely selfish (or stupid at the very least) is the woman I have just seen driving up the road.
Walking down the road, I see coming towards me a car being thrashed to within an inch of it's life, and only doing about 20 miles an hour. Yes, it was in first gear. Why was it in first gear? Because the chavette driving it was too busy on the phone to change gear. Okay, so it's her car, she can ruin it if she wants, but if she can't manage to change gear you have to wonder how much control she has over the car and how much attention she is paying to what is going on around her.
It would be quite sad for her if she removed herself from the gene pool (though not necessarily for the rest of humanity) but as so often happens when drivers are careless, she's more likely to remove somebody else from the gene pool. The prime candidate being her own small child, who was bouncing around in the back of the car quite clearly without a seat belt on. And chav offspring or not, that's just plain wrong.