
Life, the universe, vodka and coffee.

Monday, October 04, 2004

Fairies Wear Boots

My son is developing into a bit of a headbanger. I mean this in a positive way, as in I refer to his musical taste - he has a liking for heavy metal and hard rock. This is, in my opinion, a good thing, and the fact that he knows all the words to "Iron Man" by Black Sabbath makes me a very proud father.

"Good thing" or not, there's always a little bit of concern in my mind that at the age my kids are (6 and 8) heavy metal might be a bit too adult. I certainly try to avoid any of the more recent stuff which is rammed with adult language, for example, and I'm glad my son doesn't understand any of the double entendres in some of AC/DCs stuff. Nevertheless I do sometimes worry that some of the weighty issues (although perhaps giant robots going on the rampage in Iron Man shouldn't have me worrying too much) aren't ideal for kids.

Turns out I needn't worry. The final track on Black Sabbath's album "Paranoid" is called Fairies Wear Boots. And while it was on, the kids started debating whether or not fairies do wear boots, and then moved on to discussing what sort of boots elves, goblins, gnomes, pixies and dwarves wear. They may like "grown up" music, but they are still kids.


At 9:12 pm, Blogger Marc said...

Pixie boots of course!


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