Current Affairs
Seems there has been lots going on in the world recently (other than volcanoes, cricket, etc, etc), a lot of which does not make pleasant reading. I have a colleague at work who is quite keen on trying to track down the websites carrying the gory beheading videos from Iraq. Each to their own I say, is as near as I get or would want to get. Whatever you feel about the invasion of Iraq (and my opinions seem a little out of step with my normally left of centre leanings), these gruesome murders are not just that - gruesome sadistic murders. I could go on, but I read an article today which pretty much says it all and better than I could ever do.
Rather than hunting down videos of decapitations, I prefer to enjoy the sight of idiots being made to look like, er, idiots. And there is no better place to see this at the moment (as far as I am aware - if I'm wrong please email me) than the wonderful world of Ever had an email from Nigeria or somewhere similar encouraging you to share in the profits of some slightly dodgy financial transaction? Most likely it was a 419 scam, so named after the section of Nigeria's penal code which covers this type of fraud. Look at the website and find out all about it, and how to deal with it and gain maximum comedy value...
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