
Life, the universe, vodka and coffee.

Friday, January 18, 2008

What's the bloody point?

I come on here, I try to write free flowing witty stuff, and every time, without fail, I get error messages or hassle. And 98.3% of the time I decide that instead of bothering to correct it, I will delete it and press "random article" on Wikipedia instead. This is what we in the IT industry call "a sack of festering shite". Bah.

Monday, January 07, 2008


Wednesday, January 02, 2008

2007. Interesting.

Another year has flown by, and has finally finished with December which was a great month. So great I appear to have failed utterly to stop by here and write any bilge. Obviously because I was so busy (I actually was, as it happens.)

There are two things at least that I need to (and in one case should already have) pontificate further upon: first, the return of the mighty Wolfsbane. Who were mighty once again.

Secondly I bumped into Simon Pegg and Nick Frost on New Years Eve in the Isle of Wight, and was rendered speechless. Possibly because of Simon Pegg's hat which was ever so slightly trying a bit hard to be "cool" but looked a bit "wanker" which is disappointing, really. Or because I was pathetically star struck like a bloody tit. Best bit was we had just passed Somerfields, and I commented that I found it hard to take Somerfields seriously since watching Hot Fuzz. Yarrrp.

Did anything else happen? Oh yes, my Birthday (another year older), Christmas (nice), and New Year (happy new year).