Good Vibrations
This should have been about a particularily uncomfortable bus journey, but it didn't save properly. I really can't be bothered to type it all again, so you'll just have to imagine!
Life, the universe, vodka and coffee.
This should have been about a particularily uncomfortable bus journey, but it didn't save properly. I really can't be bothered to type it all again, so you'll just have to imagine!
Seems there has been lots going on in the world recently (other than volcanoes, cricket, etc, etc), a lot of which does not make pleasant reading. I have a colleague at work who is quite keen on trying to track down the websites carrying the gory beheading videos from Iraq. Each to their own I say, is as near as I get or would want to get. Whatever you feel about the invasion of Iraq (and my opinions seem a little out of step with my normally left of centre leanings), these gruesome murders are not just that - gruesome sadistic murders. I could go on, but I read an article today which pretty much says it all and better than I could ever do.
Tonight, my best friend has been around, and we have drunk a lot of coffee and discussed the fact that he has suddenly become single. And although I swore beforehand I wouldn't say anything remotely like "I told you so"... I just couldn't help myself.
Before I start tonight's rant (and it is a bit of a rant, too) I'd just like to say for the benefit of those who may wonder why I am no longer posting at least once a day that her name is Dawn and she's very nice!
So there I was a few hours ago, starting to write today's entry, where I was extolling the virtues of the England cricket team, and how it looked almost certain that they would manage to win a trophy, when I got sidetracked and cancelled it. Which I am now rather glad about. Because I would have had to write another entry very shortly afterwards totally contradicting myself and extolling the virtues of the West Indian cricket team, who, when it appeared that defeat was staring them in face, went and won.
It's Thursday night, it's one of those odd occasions I put on the TV, and it's Ray Mears Bushcraft on the box. Ray Mears, man of survival, the very same Ray Mears who was lecturing Amazonian tribesmen about how to make fire using just two sticks in last weeks programme.... so what's he doing tonight? He's telling us all about how important it is to carry a GPS unit and a satellite telephone! I'll be bearing that in mind next time I'm in a plane crash in the jungle...
...well, it isn't really, but I was stuck for a title for today, and I happened to be reading this rather excellent website on the subject of armageddon. Just doing a bit of research for when I decide to set up my own religion/cult in the future. As you do...
I've just read that Des O'Connor has become a father again. At the age of 72. Imagine being 16 and having a father who is 88. In fact imagine being 88 and having a 16 year old son. What a nightmare. I don't begrudge anybody the right to have a child, but it's all a bit selfish - what are the chances of him actually living to see his son become an adult?
It's not failure, the fact I am sat here with a cigarette. It's just a sign that I maybe should try cutting down on drinking and then give up smoking... at the very least not try to give up after yet another vodka bender... and I have managed to get most of the way through the day without one...
Well, today is the day I give up smoking. Except it's not, as due to unforeseen circumstances I didn't. So tomorrow is the day now. I won't go into detail about the unforeseen circumstances, but they were very pleasant!
Aaaaaaaaaaah.... vodka...
It has been, for me, a much better day today than yesterday. No personal crises, and my mood has improved a lot.
I've been in a terrible mood for most of today, but I've decided that I need to cheer myself up. Still being on call, I can't use my traditional method of getting drunk, so it's quite a challenge. And one I'm going to have to learn to live with for a month or so, given the pitiful financial state that has made me miserable in the first place. If anybody has any suggestions for cheap, non-chemical ways to boost the mental state please feel free to let me know!
As I mentioned a few days ago one of my little interests is volcanoes, and in particular Mt Etna in Sicily. Which as I also mentioned is having a bit of an eruption at the moment. Nothing too dangerous, well, as long as you keep out of the way that is, but quite spectacular anyway. I can recommend the webcam at - if you look at night-time, the lava flow is the bright thing. And if you look in the day, it's obvious.
I love music, I do. So much so that I almost always have some on, be it radio or CD. In fact one of the reasons I set up a blog was basically so that I could share with the world details of what I was listening to while I was online. Which is something that I have almost entirely failed to do, thankfully.
Damn, the weather has beaten me. My big pile of stuff to be burnt is soaked through, and so would I be if I was silly enough to try and make it burn, firelighters or not. I am quite disappointed about this, so have had to treat myself to a Chinese take away to compensate. And I ate every last grain of rice with chop sticks.
I have just popped into the kitchen to make yet another cup of coffee, and out of the corner of my eye what should I see sat on the patio but a large rat. On further investigation the rodent turned out to be almost dead with certain tell tale markings around it's neck. A lovely present from next door's cat, I assume. At least my kitchen door was shut and it only got as far as the patio.
I have spent a pleasant few hours today tearing down a massively overgrown creeper from the back of my house. There is now light getting into my kitchen again, and once the bits I can't reach have died and dropped, there will light once again upstairs too. A very satisfying afternoons pottering! I just have to work out what to do with the several cubic metres of dead creeper now cluttering my patio. I feel a fire coming on...
It's my least favourite Friday night of the month - the start of my week of "on-call." This means I have to be prepared to shoot off to work at any hour, day or night. For practical and legal reasons this also means my liver gets a nice week long break!
When asked to give a list of my favourite hobbies or interests, for some website or another, I named the following: music, computers, volcanoes, knitting. Appended to the list were the words "one of these is a lie." I was somewhat offended when somebody suggested it was "volcanoes" that was the made up interest (the true answer is computers, obviously!)
I'm not going to go on too much about this subject, as says most of what needs to be said, but I have got a few comments to make about the driving style of those who insist on wearing Burberry patterned baseball caps. I live in an area, which aside from having a high proportion of chavs, also has quite narrow streets which tend to have a lot of cars parked along them. The end result of the parking and the width of the roads is that getting from A to B tends to be a bit of a slalom exercise.
While digging around for something important that "I've put somewhere safe," I have just rediscovered the very useful government leaflet, as delivered to all households, "preparing for emergencies."
Apparently, so I was told today, banging your head against a brick wall will expend 150 calories each hour. Seems a bit low to me although the potential for blood loss after an hour of this activity would surely be quite high. Perhaps it refers to metaphorically bashing your head against a brick wall? If so, then today I have done my body a big favour, and I should really be thanking all those who have helped me in this worthwhile endeavour. However, I think I'll just stick to simmering gently, twitching occasionally, and a large vodka.
I've had a very interesting day, about which I cannot say anything. Terrible, eh. Doesn't make for good reading, but there you have it!
Although if you have read what I wrote earlier today you might not think it possible, I've actually had quite a good day today. I did my sad-dad bit and collected my offspring and we drove out to a place called Witley Court. Witley Court is the shell of a once great country house, destroyed by fire in the 1930's. It has great gardens, a fantastic fountain, and though the house is just a shell, it still has a certain grandeur to it. A very good place to spend a warm Saturday afternoon with the kids in fact.
Much has been written about drinking and the effects of alcohol, but I can find very few words to describe just how bad I am feeling this morning. I think the best way I can describe it is as follows: imagine somebody has drilled into your head using an entirely inappropriate tool. Probably the sharpish corner of a brick. And then that they have sucked out half the contents of your cranial cavity with a vacuum cleaner. Finally, imagine that the space thus created has then been back-filled with a mixture of rusty nails, cold custard and grass-cuttings, then the hole sealed by sellotaping your skull to a large, bad-tempered goat.
Friday is here, and drinking is on the agenda. I have a suspicion that at least part of the evening will be spent discussing today's news, the battle for a school in Russia. As yet there is still only speculation about what turned a tense situation into an all out gun fight, but it does sometimes seem as if humanity is er, losing it's humanity.
I've done precisely what I said I was going to do tonight, ie nothing. I've had a few beers, got fairly bored surfing the internet, exchanged a few messages with a few people, and so on. Very relaxing, very pleasant.
I shall not be doing anything I can get sidetracked from tonight. I've had a hard day at work, and I'm going to have a beer and do my impression of a root vegetable and do nothing (albeit it a root vegetable that can frequently get up and go to the toilet. Unless I take my beer with me and take root there.)
Yes! I have actually written something. Not much, but something. Two things ticked off on my list. We have Farmer Arthur explaining why Summer is the worst season of the year, and an updated Gimpo's Problem Page. I can give nothing away, but next on my list are the words carbon fibre, bonsai, trees, diamond toothed hacksaw. This may, or may not, find it's way onto another new page in the near future. Distractions allowing.