
Life, the universe, vodka and coffee.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004


I'm not going to go on too much about this subject, as says most of what needs to be said, but I have got a few comments to make about the driving style of those who insist on wearing Burberry patterned baseball caps. I live in an area, which aside from having a high proportion of chavs, also has quite narrow streets which tend to have a lot of cars parked along them. The end result of the parking and the width of the roads is that getting from A to B tends to be a bit of a slalom exercise.

Now, I'm no advanced driver, I make no claims to being a good driver, or even a safe driver, but I can certainly see that roads of this type are best driven along quite slowly. Especially as an additional factor I failed to mention earlier is the preponderance of children playing in the road. This cautious approach seems not to have found favour, however, amongst the baseball capped drivers of the area, with the end result that the most common traffic noise around here is the screeching of tyres, presumably as they struggle to avoid each other or a child. Perhaps I'm getting old (I actually listened to Radio 2 for a bit yesterday evening!) but I'm actually starting to see that speed bumps may not in themselves be a bad idea.

Or perhaps it's actually time to ban people wearing headwear in cars? Over all, wearing hats in cars seems to be a bad thing. Aside from the lunatics in the baseball caps, there are the old duffers in the flat caps too. Perhaps bereft of their hats, the lunatics would drive slower and the old duffers a bit faster?


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