
Life, the universe, vodka and coffee.

Saturday, September 04, 2004


Much has been written about drinking and the effects of alcohol, but I can find very few words to describe just how bad I am feeling this morning. I think the best way I can describe it is as follows: imagine somebody has drilled into your head using an entirely inappropriate tool. Probably the sharpish corner of a brick. And then that they have sucked out half the contents of your cranial cavity with a vacuum cleaner. Finally, imagine that the space thus created has then been back-filled with a mixture of rusty nails, cold custard and grass-cuttings, then the hole sealed by sellotaping your skull to a large, bad-tempered goat.

I probably had quite a pleasant evening yesterday, so it's not all bad. I say "probably" because I can't actually remember at the moment...


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