It's the middle of the week...
...and that's about all I have to say!
Life, the universe, vodka and coffee.
The days are finally, properly, getting longer. Not long now til I go to work and come home from work in the light (about a month, actually). Already I am driving home in semi-daylight. If the weather wasn't so bad, I might even get away with side lights. This time next week, if the weather isn't bad, I might even get away with no lights at all!
I meant to blog about this the other day, but forgot. Or was too pissed at the time, or something. Anyway, on Friday evening there was a programme on the telly featuring some long lost films from the early 1900's. They were discovered in a cellar a few years ago, and have been restored, and they show "normal" life at the turn of the Twentieth Century. They're really quite interesting - there are another two shows in the series, on BBC2 on Fridays - it's called The Lost World of Mitchell and Kenyon and it's on at 9'0 clock.
...they got pictures back from Titan, nearly a billion miles away, in only 67 minutes. And yet we're still impressed by Boots doing our holiday snaps in an hour...
...Horizon is back on tonight. More doom, gloom and science. What a fantastic mix! And after a lovely dinner of turkey drummers too. Perfect.
I've just drawn a caveman. (There is a reason for this - all will be revealed when I've done the words to go with the picture.) It's a good caveman, too. Although less good once I've scanned him in, coloured him in, and shrunk him in size by quite a considerable amount. And coupled him with a slightly dodgy mammoth.
There's been a certain amount of controversy this week regarding tonight's showing of "Jerry Springer - The Opera" on BBC2.
... make sure you've taken down your Christmas decorations. You'll have bad luck otherwise. And an even more unnecessarily large electricity bill. I shall see later whether or not the Chavsfield illuminations have been dismantled yet.
Though I would consider myself "of the left" politically, I'm not a terribly militant person. I had little sympathy for the striking firemen, and the activities of our unions in the 1970's and early 80's, I believe, contributed greatly to the decline of this country as a manufacturing centre. Nevertheless... things have swung too far the other way now. Over the years, it seems to me from what I have seen and heard, a lot of businesses have started caring less and less about their employees.
What a great and productive bank holiday weekend. My DIY projects are all actually now finished, and don't appear to be in any danger of falling to pieces. And look good too. We actually remembered to take the enormous number of empty cans and bottles resulting from our Christmas excesses to the supermarket with us for recycling. And to top it off, I managed to break my current creative duck by actually producing a whole new page on my website, come up with some ideas for a few more, and rehash a really really old page which has been offline for a few years now, but was one of my favourites back in the day. I'm just hoping I'll be able to continue the year in the same productive vein...