
Life, the universe, vodka and coffee.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Three Nippled Cousin F**ker

There's been a certain amount of controversy this week regarding tonight's showing of "Jerry Springer - The Opera" on BBC2.

Obviously, as a result of this controversy, I had to watch the thing.

The problem is, whenever there is massive controversy about things which the people complaining haven't actually seen, it's a disappointment. My mind flips back 20 years to George Michael and the "I Want Your Sex" video which, frankly, was shit. I seem to recall having to run the video through frame by frame just to actually find what they were moaning about. Or was that Madonna? I don't know. Anyway, the point is that some folk like to complain about things purely because they have heard that they are offensive/pornographic/blasphemic/whatever... but normally they are actually a complete let down.

And so it was with some trepidation that I sat down to watch "Jerry Springer - The Opera". In addition to being more complained about than just about anything else ever shown on telly, it is also an opera. And I've never managed to sit through an opera before. But there again, as far as I'm aware, there has never been an opera featuring the words "cunting cunting cunting cunting cunt".

I have to report that, yes, the language was quite strong. Brilliantly so, in fact. And some of the imagery, could, to the more retarded religious freaks who take the imagery out of context, be offensive. More importantly, it was funny, incredibly watchable, the singing (which being an opera-phobic I was concerned about) was brilliant, and perhaps more importantly still, given the fuss, the actual whole thing told a great - and moral - story.


At 12:44 am, Blogger Mr. Math said...

well some people just can't stop bitching. they need to get over it.


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