I meant to blog about this the other day, but forgot. Or was too pissed at the time, or something. Anyway, on Friday evening there was a programme on the telly featuring some long lost films from the early 1900's. They were discovered in a cellar a few years ago, and have been restored, and they show "normal" life at the turn of the Twentieth Century. They're really quite interesting - there are another two shows in the series, on BBC2 on Fridays - it's called The Lost World of Mitchell and Kenyon and it's on at 9'0 clock.
There is clearly much that has changed in the last 100 years, but the thing that stands out the most for me is the lost art of hat wearing. Every single person wears a hat. All of them, every man, woman and child. Flat caps, bowler types (derbys I suppose?) and top hats for the men, and a head scarf at the very least on the women. I know fashions come and go, but for something that was so ubiquitous to almost completely disappear (except for baseball caps, unfortunately) seems rather odd. As a great disliker of (pointless) formality, I can only hope that ties go the same way...
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