
Life, the universe, vodka and coffee.

Monday, June 30, 2008

This is an appeal on behalf of...

My other half wants to get married. To me, of all people.

I am trying to work out an "innovative" and "creative" way of funding this event, preferably one which doesn't involve the letters "A" "P" and "R" or anything which refers to "your house is at risk if..."

Clearly I also don't fancy getting hitched in an orange suit with "sponsored by B&Q" written on the back.

Apparently the average British wedding now weighs in at more than £15000. This is some £16000 more than I have to spend. To put that into some kind of perspective, if a pound sterling was a pound in weight, this would bigger than a double decker bus or possibly, and I haven't checked, a whale. Definitely it would be bigger than a small whale, I'm not sure about a blue whale. It's bigger than an elephant, that's for sure.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Why I Don't Post Often.

I read this article the other day, which for anybody who can't be bothered to read it is about traditional typewriters and the fact that they are not only still available but that some folk still like to use them. One of the reasons that some give for continuing to use such an archaic piece of equipment is the lack of the ability to change your mind and delete stuff. And that is why I don't post often. I have often written. Then changed my mind and deleted and rewritten. Then quit, then started again. Then walked off, got a beer and come back and changed my mind about a bit and... well, in the end gone off and done something frankly more interesting instead. Or just gone to bed. Or should that be and gone to bed?

The other reason I've not posted anything is that all the stuff I've really wanted to post about, the things that really make me angry, that frustrate and threaten fatal spleen-venting, are things I haven't really been able to post about.

Could an un-vented spleen be the cause of my recent waist size increase?