
Life, the universe, vodka and coffee.

Friday, February 09, 2007


Much chaos hereabouts tonight as snow, finally, hits. Personally, aside from a delayed train (there were some trains before it that I could have caught, but I wasn't going to fight to get on), I had a reasonable trip home from work. The drive back from the station was slow but steady, despite the eejit on the hill in his super duper brand new Audi (clearly a cheap none-Quattro Audi, mind) who decided to give way unnecessarily to someone who wanted to come down the hill, and then took five minutes and a random stranger passing by pushing to get any kind of traction and make it to the top of the hill: traction, and therefore movement, was finally attained when Mr Audi heard, or random stranger passed on, my utterances from the open window of the Valhallamobile "second gear you f**king tw*t".

The rest of the journey was uneventful, if a bit smelly (due to having a cooked clutch as a result of waiting for Mr Audi to get traction) and slippery. I hear some folks took 4 hours to get back from the city centre. I took about 40-50 minutes: only 10 minutes or so longer than normal.

Of course, the end result of all this transport malarkey is that yet again my bathroom project slips back. Having got home, I decided that vodka was more important than grouting. Because of the stress, you see.

And what better to clear a bit of stress than vodka and Prog. This months Prog recommendations are Katatonia and Anathema. Both excellent.