
Life, the universe, vodka and coffee.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Catching Up

I am pleased to report that, so far, last night's "to do list" has been largely untroubled bar item number one - catch up with old mates. Though in fairness that was a slight cheat, as I'd already set the wheels in motion prior to writing my list. Oh, and item number 18, go into work with a positive attitude, was perilously close to being achieved today, and in a round about way could be achieved tomorrow.

Not to worry! I shall merely add more to my list if I start ticking too many items off.

I shall now offer some advice, linked to "catching up with old mates": the longer you leave getting in touch, the harder it is to actually get around to doing it. So, do it now. And if you are lucky, whatever reason it was you fell out of contact will be forgotten and you will remember why you were friends in the first instance. Alternatively, you will swiftly remember why you haven't bothered getting in touch for so long - and then you know not to bother again. Thankfully, my old mate Jim fell into the first category. Catching up was brief and then the conversation carried on pretty much where it left off three years ago.

So today has been good - despite it being a Tuesday, and I really don't like Tuesdays. And... its another day nearer the return of Lovely Girlfriend!


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