
Life, the universe, vodka and coffee.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

"Mum's School"

Has anybody seen the latest Kinder chocolate advert? The one featuring mothers being told that they should buy their kids Kinder chocolate? Is it not one of the most offensive adverts ever produced? It is isn't it?

First, I'm a dad (albeit an occasional one). Perhaps in advert world I am busy watching football down the pub, and therefore unlikely to buy confectionary for my sprogs? Do these people live in the same world as us?

Second, what kind of message is this giving out? You are a bad parent if you a: don't buy your kids chocolate, and b: don't buy them Kinder chocolate?

Third, the actual advert itself is utterly obnoxious - aside from the sexist, sugar-pushing nature of the thing, there's just something about it... Grrrrrrrrrrrr....

Now they've just shown a "Mums go to Iceland" ad.... I knew there was a reason I don't watch TV much...


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